
Lockwood (W. B.)

Lockwood, W. B., “Philological notes on the Welsh bird names Cornicyll and related synonyms, Pâl and the term Socan”, Studia Celtica 42 (2008): 171–173.
Lockwood, W. B., “Old Irish fann ‘back-door’: a possible etymology”, Studia Celtica 39 (2005): 199–200.
Lockwood, W. B., “Welsh gwennol, etc.: an etymology”, Studia Celtica 36 (2002): 148.
Lockwood, W. B., “Wortkundliche Parerga”, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 38 (1981): 179–186.
Lockwood, W. B., “Wortkundliches”, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 36 (1978): 23–28.
Lockwood, W. B., “Wortgeschichtliche Miszellen”, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 34 (1975): 154–167.
Lockwood, W. B., “Word taboo in Faroese: remarks on Gaelic-Scandinavian contacts and a note on English ingle”, Transactions of the Philological Society 60 (1961, 1962): 1–16.


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